Architects Bookshop #1: Social Housing Map
Launch of the Affordable Housing Sydney: Architecture Guide Map
This new architecture guide map by Dr Michael Zanardo and Dr Noni Boyd brings together for the first time Sydney’s rich but relatively unknown built history of affordable housing.
From terraces to towers, each of the selected inner-city affordable housing projects spanning the last century is located and recorded chronologically with recognition for the delivery body and designer.
Affordable Housing Sydney reveals the incredible range and quality of local affordable housing over time which has dealt with the perennial design questions of density, amenity and city-making.
Highlighting both successes and shortcomings, this collection of urban affordable housing projects provides an important window into this largely untold story.
The Architect's Bookshop is a design focused bookshop carrying all manner of books devoted to architecture, interiors, landscape and urban design. The team at the store are passionate about hunting down new titles and exposing Sydney to new practices and practice. We all know opening a bookshop isn't about making money. It's about making an investment in the community and ensuring we have a resource that will help influence our ideas and showcase the incredible work of Australian architects and designers.
Dr Michael Zanardo is a registered architect and director of Studio Zanardo, an independent consultancy specialising in urban design and the design of housing, particularly social and affordable housing. He actively combines practice with research and teaching. His doctorate investigated architectural typologies of pre-World War II State workers’ housing in Sydney.
Dr Noni Boyd is an architectural historian and heritage specialist with particular expertise in nineteenth and twentieth century architecture in Australasia and the Pacific. Her PhD thesis focussed on the work of NSW Government Architect Walter Liberty Vernon and his contribution to public architecture and town planning in New South Wales.