Panel, Talk
Towards Urban Transformation: Perspectives from WSU Architecture
Western Sydney University’s new Architecture Program is proud to present a public discussion about the challenges and opportunities of the urban transformation of the Greater Sydney Region. Sydney is embarking on a once in a generation infrastructure, transport, and housing expansion. The billions of dollars being spent raises many opportunities to improve the quality, character and performance of the broader Sydney region, but it also introduces many risks. How to build affordable housing in a successful city? Are we planning sufficiently for two or three degrees in temperature rise? What are the new ways of construction? This free two-hour event will address the complex relationship between housing and urban transformation in greater Sydney. This is a multi-disciplinary problem calling for a multi faceted solution which requires significant collaboration. The evening will start with an overview by the new Dean School Of Built Environment Prof Kerry London and follow with small number of short talks and then a panel discussion afterwards.
Speakers include: Prof Peter Poulet (Architect and Urban Designer), Prof Nicky Morrison (Urban Planner), Hugo Moline (Architect), Prof Srinath Perera (Construction Manager), Kathlyn Loseby (Architect) and Ursa Komac (Architect and Landscape Architect). The evening is being kindly hosted at the National Arts School and endorsed by the Australian Institute of Architects.